Home > Urgent U R G E N T Care?

Urgent U R G E N T Care?

May 12th, 2006 at 04:24 pm

Urgent Care - Oxymoron

Not just any oxymoron but
Worst. Oxymoron. Ever.

People usually go to Urgent Care when they need help now. If they did not require immediate attention they could wait a day or two to get into their Doctor's office. So here we are at the Urgent Care. There is onlt one other person in the waiting room, this should go good. In fact I pointed out the Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse shaped clouds in the sky as we walked from the car through the parking lot. The kids waved, Mickey and Donald waved back, we laughed we smiled, we were going to have a great day. Get allergy girl some meds so she can smile, or at least breathe like the rest of us, and she can wave at the clouds, too.

They had some nice little buckets of toys on a rack in the corner. The kids were playing quietly, which if we were at home would spur me to keep asking what they were doing becaue, as everyone knows, quiet kids are usually scheming kids. This went on and everyone was happy for maybe 30 or 40 minutes. Then they took allergy girl out of the waiting room.

Not terribly quick but somewhat urgent if I were in a fuller waiting room, that is. So I am entertaining the youngest while the other 2 are playing. Rugrats is on the TV over my head, followed by the fairly odd parents or whatever that show is called, kind of dumb show I think but amusing in an I am glad my kids are not actually paying attention way. The kids are being so cute playing ever so carefully and sharing very well on a toy that we also have at home. At home they do not play with it quite so nicely.

Now a half hour later, allergy girl comes out. Wow that is not bad at all since she had to get weighed, measured, and found wanting...meds that is. Turns out she just wanted to tell me that there are snacks in the backpack if the kids get hungry because she is not done yet. I sigh and continue watching cartoons while bouncing the little man to sleep. I was the proud father sitting in the corner with my little buddy snoozing on my chest. The older children were still very well behaved which was a great thing, because my patience was running out in general.

It was at this point that I decided I had to write this rant. Urgent Care, heh heh I thought to myself. I had to occaisionally remind one of the kids not to go to far from where we were sitting but they were both listening. Then the younger of the two, tells me she needs a potty. I have a child laying on me, and would have to take all three of them to the potty with me. I asked if she could hold it, she said yes. She was not quite right. She started but stopped herself, so only her panties got wet. SHe had an urgent look on her face and said again I need a potty. I returned the urgency by gathering the other two and following her to said potty. There she and her older brother were able to relieve themselves. The youngest slept through the ordeal.

We went back out to the waiting room where i said it was time to clean up so that I could get my little Princess out to the car to get the emergency clothes bag from the truck and get her in dry panties. (You do have an emergency clothes bag in your trunk right?) They were cleaning up somewhat quickly when, from the TV behind me, I hear "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?" Oh hell no!! lets get this stuff picked up and out of this waiting room before my children have permanent loss to their mental capacity!!

I assisted and we made it out the door quite quickly. Mickey and Donald were there grinning sarcastically among the rest of the now gray storm clouds. I think Mickey mouth the words Urgent Care and then did his best evil Mwa ha ha laugh. Donald pointed his puffy cloud finger at the sign that said Urgent Care to further add to the humor that I was not finding very funny. I load the kids in the car and at least it is only sprinkling while I am getting new parts and panties for my little Princess. She was as polite as she always is, saying thank you and telling me that she was sorry. We ate our lunch in the car and then finally for a grand total of 2 hours of ungency later, allergy girl came out!!

3 Responses to “Urgent U R G E N T Care?”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    How frustrating! When I started reading your post my first thought was that the wait is so long because alot of people who do not need to do so, use urgent care...But obviously that was not the case for you.

    Mickey and Donald are sarcastic...but in this case, dead on.

    I love the Mickey and Donald cloud stories by the way.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Ah, glad I read this because it is a reminder that I need to call my insurance company and ask where there is an urgent care center they will pay for. The only one I know of is about 12 miles away, though there are 5 ER's that I can think of within 4 miles of us.

    I've never been in an urgent care center, so I don't know if your situation is typical, but once I got sick while out of town (high fever and could not swallow). I had to wait seven hours to be seen at an ER. At least I did not have to take care of any children while waiting.

  3. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Some urgent care centers are better than others. It is what it is. An ER visit can have you there for 8 to 10 hours around my neck of the woods.
    That was a greta post though! I am still laughing. Been there, done that, got the tee shirt!Smile

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