Home > Lightbulb Moment

Lightbulb Moment

March 29th, 2006 at 03:03 pm

Some people refer to a lightbulb moment as a moment in time when the fictional lightbulb in their mind illuminated. That moment when *bang* an idea hits you and starts you thinking. I am not using the phrase 'lightbulb moment' as a metaphor. I am literaly refering to the moment at which I turned off a few lightbulbs. Get it?

In both of my bathrooms, I have light fixtures that use those really big super bright like the sun bulbs. The guest bathroom has 4 and the master bath 6. These are 60 watts each, making the master bath light the third highest consuming device in my house behind the refrigerator and the air conditioner. My light bulb moment came a few months after one of those 6 miniature stars faded out.

I had not replaced the black hole (a dead star is a black hole, have to point out that reference.) and the bathroom was none the dimmer without it. I walked into the bathroom, with the lights out for a while to ensure those microscale suns were not full on flaming hot, and unscrewed another of the bulbs a bit to take it out of the loop of electric power, so to speak. After turning on the switch, I loosened another and the bathroom is still bright. With half of the bulbs not on, I am using half of the power thereby saving money every month. I may try one more bulb as well as loosening 1 or 2 from the guest bathroom as well. I shall have to cehck for savings on the monthly electric bill to determine the 'value' of my lightbulb moment.

5 Responses to “Lightbulb Moment”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    I had the same "moment" in our bathrooms. We have older fixtures, so the bulbs don't actually show..........I took all of them out, and replaced with half as many energy efficient bulbs. Think it made a big difference! I also have light fixtures in our showers here............where the bulbs are recessed in a fan fixture........I took one bulb out of each of those either, since I figured I was never going to be reading in the shower anyway!! Was light enough in there to perform surgery!

  2. Money Talk$ Says:

    I replaced a good portion of the light bulbs in the fan fixtures throughout the house with the miniflourescent energy saver deals.

  3. kristina moffitt Says:

    But does not electricity go to the bulb holes wether or not there is a light bulb there?

  4. PrincessPerky Says:

    It is a circut, has to be closed path, no bulb, no closed circut, no electricity flowing. I hope.

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